Sunday, May 05, 2013


Everyone is writing a book, has written a book, is thinking of writing a book, or thinks they would write a better book than those who are writing or have written.

Everyone thinks they have ADD or ADHD. It's in style.

The few who don't identify as ADD or ADHD think they have OCD.

Everyone over 40 thinks they look ten years younger than their age (except  me. But I just found a Groupon for half-off Radiesse...).

Everyone thinks women over 40 should lighten their hair.

Everyone believes a happy, long-lasting monogamous marriage is a right, not a freak occurrence.

Everyone who reads this will think I'm overgeneralizing.


I am sad that pantyhose are now against fashion law. "I can still wear them!" I said to myself in defiance recently (though I haven't- I've worn a skirt once in six months, with black tights, which are still ok), then I saw a woman in a floral dress, pantyhose and square-heeled pumps and realized how dated and old she looked. I have a stylish friend, older than me, who wears leggings under skirts in the summer. She always looks great. I don't know if I could get away with the look, but at least my inner thighs wouldn't chafe to combustion.

Into the Clouds